My cooling system struggles the most when the sun is up

I have actually enjoyed the transition into working from home=. I never actually believed that I would thrive in an environment where I’d be forced to stay isolated from comforting coworkers, but I am now doing quite well with the change. There were a few problems at first with working regularly on my computer and constant unsupervised internet access. But happily, it didn’t take long for the transition to set in. Now I’m more productive than I have ever been in all my years. I get up at the same time each morning and I have my Starbucks Latte maker set to go from the night prior. My pet is getting a great deal of attention, and the drop in gasoline use removes a sizable source of financial drain on my budget. Regrettably, I cannot say the effects have been exclusively positive. I am using more water and electricity while I’m at my dwelling. Between washing my hands for 20 seconds every 15 to 20 minutes and the additional drain on my electricity from the central Heating and A/C appliance, my expenses on utilities are starting to rise substantially. I’m at my dwelling for the length of the day and I’m running the air conditioning appliance more than I ever have. I have noticed that between 11am and 5pm is when the a/c appliance really struggles the most. It is really no shock that this is the time when the sunlight is at its highest intensity for the day, and also when most of the dwelling from front to back is getting radiated by the sunlight. On top of additional energy use, I also have to get AC filters way more often, plus I am regularly getting maintenance and HVAC repair more frequently.
