Medical condition is entirely based on HVAC

A few weeks ago I experienced a rather terrible time trying to sleep.

Every night I would wake up to find myself clawing as well as scratching at our face as well as neck.

They were ridiculously itchy as well as angry welts, despite having the same body lotion as well as detergent as always. I couldn’t suss out what was happening with our itchy skin as well as the abrupt rash that I had developed for quite a while. Every night I kept waking up feeling plagued by a mysterious skin condition. It wasn’t until I called for the heating as well as cooling corporation I normally use, because that I finally understood what was going on with our inflamed skin. I had noticed that this central heating as well as cooling system was churning out dank, dirty smelling air. Although I had switched the air filter multiple times on our own, I didn’t notice a big Improvement in our indoor air freshener spray or the energy efficiency of our central heating as well as cooling system. I knew it was time to call for a professional Heating, Ventilation as well as A/C for a standard diagnostic appointment with our heating as well as cooling system. When the corporation rep arrived, he recommended that the air ducts might need to be cleaned. He dismantled 1 of the biggest air vents as well as stuck his head up inside of the extensive air duct. Immediately, he yanked his head back out as well as informed myself and others that our air ducts were completely filled with black mold. He asked if I was having any strange health conditions recently, including horrible respiratory distress or skin irritations. That’s when I realized, our air conditioner components were running at full blast all night long, causing our skin rash as well as irritation.

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