Spring AC maintenance

Spring is the ideal time to schedule regular AC maintenance to ensure your home stays comfortable throughout the summer months.

Spring cleaning isn’t just about tidying up; it also involves taking care of your heating and cooling system.

The harsh winter and scorching summer heat can put a lot of strain on your HVAC system, which is why scheduling maintenance each year is crucial. Annual AC maintenance can help prevent major issues during the summer and extend the lifespan of your air conditioner. On average, a well-maintained AC can last between 10 and 15 years, whereas neglecting maintenance can reduce its lifespan to as little as 5 to 8 years. Maintenance also increases the reliability of your AC, ensuring that it works efficiently and consistently when you need it most. Regular maintenance can also protect your AC warranty. Nearly 2% of ACs may have some factory flaws, but having regular maintenance performed keeps the warranty valid and prevents you from incurring additional costs. A well-maintained AC is also more energy-efficient, keeping energy bills low and avoiding costly repairs. More than 50% of the repairs ACs need can be prevented through maintenance, saving you both time and money. In short, scheduling regular AC maintenance in the spring can prevent costly repairs, protect your warranty, and extend the lifespan of your system. It ensures that your AC works efficiently and reliably, providing peace of mind during the hot summer months. So, add HVAC maintenance to your spring cleaning checklist and enjoy a comfortable home all summer long.

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