Broken thermostat thanks to a rowdy friend – what kind should I use to replace it?

I think I’ve had my last poker night for a long time. Why? Well, you know what they say – one bad egg ruins the whole bunch. See, I’ve got this one friend that we’ll call Doug. Doug is a man who is usually pretty tame and under control. However, when Doug is excited, he can be a little too much for most people! Lots of yelling, shouting, cheering and trash-talking will fill the room when Doug is excited about a football game, or enjoying a local multiplayer game with us. Most recently, Doug played poker with some friends of mine from work at my house. We were all enjoying the excellent air conditioning in my home, thanks to the most recent tune-up I got from my usual HVAC service technician. While we talked about the tune-up itself, my friend Doug was excited about the final score of a football game he’d been tracking on his phone. Doug jumped from his chair, but fell backwards and into the wall, right where my digital thermostat was placed! He and the thermostat both went crashing to the ground, and I could tell that thermostat was toast. It was for the best, honestly, as my thermostat was well over a decade old and likely needed to go. I’m seeing this as an opportunity to switch up anyway, so I think I’m going to get a smart thermostat. I’ve heard that smart thermostats are ideal for keeping the HVAC system in check, even when you’re away! You can use an app on your phone to operate the thermostat from anywhere, so something like that will be handy in the future. I’d like to keep tabs on my home’s heating and A/C system while we play poker at someone else’s home!


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