I live with a bunch of idiots who don’t want to take care of the HVAC

Sometimes I feel like I am living with complete idiots.

  • I’m not talking about my family or anything, I actually live with some roommates.

We all live in this place because we are attending college and trying to save money by not having to live in dorms. I thought it was a good idea at first but then things kind of got out of hand. First of all, how are we going to save money when my roommates are always cranking the heating system or blasting the cooling system? I actually suggested that we should invest in a smart thermostat together so we could save on the energy bills but nobody was down for that idea. Getting a smart thermostat really would have helped us save big money too because I can’t even tell you how many times these clowns would leave the house and not shut off the HVAC system! The energy bills are so outrageous and everybody acts like this isn’t a big deal. Sometimes with the cost of the energy bills, I don’t see how we are going to cover the rent. Things have only been getting worse with the energy bills and that’s because nobody is willing to pay for regular HVAC system maintenance. They won’t even purchase air filters for the HVAC. I have changed the air filters a couple of times, but it can’t just be me changing the air filters! As the air filter starts to clog up, you can just feel the energy bills rising as the HVAC system starts to stress.
Electric heating system