Without the furnace? Don’t do this.

I had no idea what I was going to do if one day I would need to go without a furnace.

I didn’t want to even think about waking up in the morning and not having any heat to keep me warm.

I wanted to always be warm and cozy, so I took excellent care of my furnace. I knew that the possibility was always going to be there for my furnace to break down, because it was a machine. I wanted to know what I should and should not do if my furnace were to break down. I already knew that I shouldn’t use the oven to heat my house. I remembered seeing my grandmother sitting in front of the over, with the door open. She would have the door open so she could get some heat and help to keep the house warm. I knew I wouldn’t use this method if my furnace broke down. I had a space heater for in the spring and fall. I only used it in the bathroom on those cool nights, so I could get out of the shower without freezing. It wasn’t a high rated space heater, as far as the safety issues are concerned. I wasn’t worried about safety when I was using the space heater for a limited amount of time, but I didn’t want to use it for any length of time. I worried about what would happen if I had to use the space heaters for several days. I also worried about what would happen if I didn’t have any power. I went out and bought a small wood burning stove.


Air conditioning technician