The first time I went Ice skating

I will never forget the first time I stepped into an ice skating rink.

Learning to walk in ice skates was basically learning how to walk all over again.

At least for me it was. I tried it once as a child, and I must say I did better then when I was smaller and lighter, rather than now where I’m big and clumsy. It took me some time to get the hang of it but I did eventually find my feet. My husband on the other hand, was struggling and complaining about the cold. He stopped skating and started talking to me and we got into a conversation where he was talking about how freezing cold it was in here. He even started looking around for a thermostat to get an idea of what the temperature was in here. He pointed to a huge commercial HVAC unit that was mounted on the wall. When he did I glanced over at it and could see how such a huge air and powerful air conditioner could be responsible for putting out large amounts of cold air. After talking about heating and air conditioning for a while, we returned home and my husband who was relieved to be out of the cold went and cranked up the heater. He even added some wood to start a fire in the fireplace and we spent the night sleeping in front of the fire. It was a really good time and I was already planning the next trip. Even if it did mean getting cold again.


a/c repairman