Dion’s neighbor had a faulty heating system

When Dion was new to her area, she became fast friends with her neighbor.

They had come over to help her move furniture.

Dion’s neighbor had the loveliest sons and they helped her so much. Once she was settled, she baked them one of her famous chocolate cakes as a way to say thank you, and that sealed their friendship. The boys are always at her house when there’s something baking because they say she has magic fingers. Dion isn’t sure about that, but she always tells her granny thank you for teaching her how to bake. Last winter, Dion had arrived home on a Friday evening so tired. She got take out because she was in no mood to cook, and just wanted to relax. Her plan was to have something to eat, sit on the couch, turn on her favorite series, laugh a bit, then it’s off to bed. As she was finishing her meal, Dion’s phone rang and it was her neighbor. It seems something was wrong with their heating system and they were asking to come over. Dion didn’t hesitate to let them into her home since her heating system was working fine. She then changed the thermostat settings to make the house even warmer so they could be comfortable. Dion’s neighbor confessed she had skipped fall maintenance since she was so busy at work, and now their heating system had failed. There was nothing they could do until the next day when the heating specialist came to a diagnosis. Dion let the boys sleep on the sofas while her neighbor slept in the guest bedroom upstairs.

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