She’d not had any AC maintenance done in three years

My sister Ashley is one of the best bakers I know.

In fact, I think she is now even better than our grandmother.

It was our granny who taught us how to bake sweet treats and cakes. My sister had more interest in it, but my head was always outside. I am more in to adventures, hiking, and camping. Still, that doesn’t mean I can’t bake a few muffins for breakfast. Anyway, my sister is the baker in the family, and she had a thriving business out of her home. She bakes organic treats, and sells them in different markets. My sister also bakes for events and private customers. Last summer, she was baking cupcakes for a wedding and asked for my help. She asked for my help, and I went to her house so we’d get the order done. Unfortunately, just as we were busy at work, her AC failed. Imagine operating an oven in a home without air conditioning. I must admit there was a moment where I almost left to find a place with AC. However, my sister set out two portable cooling units to keep us cool. Come to find out, she hadn’t had any AC maintenance done in three years. I knew this was the reason her AC had failed. I get she is always busy, but that was no excuse to neglect her AC. I hoped she’d not need to pay for AC replacement, and it was only a repair issue. We forged on and managed to complete the orders thanks to the portable cooling systems.


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