Sometimes I wish my son didn’t play football

My oldest son eats, sleeps, and breathes football.

  • That’s all I ever hear about from this kid.

When he’s not playing football, he’s watching it on TV. And when he’s not watching it on TV, he’s reading about it in the newspaper or in a magazine. The kid is obsessed with the sport. I don’t know why he loves it so much, but since he’s playing it for the high school this fall, I guess I’m just going to have to learn to love it too. One thing that I don’t love about it so far is all of the practice and the stinky laundry. When he gets done with practice, he’s sweaty and gross and he wants the A/C in the car turned on full blast. Then when we get home, he goes straight to the thermostat and turns the air conditioning down to a cooler temperature. I keep telling him that just because he gets hot and sweaty at football practice doesn’t mean that everyone else in the house needs to freeze from the air conditioning system! He just laughs and says that he’s glad we can afford to have such a great cooling system. And while it’s true that we do have a great, high efficiency cooling system in our house, it still costs a lot of money to run the A/C that much every month. At least the weather is cooling off now and it’s almost fall. Maybe once the actual games start, he won’t feel like he needs to run the air conditioning quite as much. Whenever we get the heating and air conditioning bills in the mail, it makes me wish that my son didn’t even play football!

indoor air quality