Less drama and less people touching the control unit

My life has been so quiet plus really controllable since I stopped really working in the same building as so many other humans, then getting away from my coworkers was one of the best things that has ever happened to me, I think.

I have been quite happy with staying at my house to do all of my work projects for almost a year.

And it’s the best work setup I’ve ever had. I never appreciated driving to a stuffy, warm office building every day for work I could really do from my own desk, and please don’t even get myself and others talking about the inefficiently wasted time plus energy every single day. It was always so expensive resting with my A/C program blasting in the traffic and gridlock for minutes. After that, I would arrive at the office plus battle air rapidly decreasing temps… plus coworkers… all day long. I am sure you have seen before that having one central control components for multiple people means way too many indoor air temperature control fluctuations take precedence. There was a lot of drama. The entire office could never agree on a single temperature for the entire central heating, cooling, plus ventilation machine that was installed for our various air quality needs. All my coworkers engaged in weekly fights about the stupid A/C program or a stupid heating unit. They truly wasted our time each day staring at the control components plus calling profesional HVAC companies for emergency repairs. It was tearing the office to pieces! My productivity was much lower at the office thanks to all the upset. But since we all began to work from home, everything is different. I have been so comfortable with my HVAC settings plus quiet environment. Finally, I can set my own control component to my personal temperature and custom control preferences plus no one is yelling about it.

Cooling specialist